Your support is always needed!
NEW for 2020 – donations raised this year will be for the benefit of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
Two ways to help:
- Be a sponsor / donor for a One Minute Challenge event by giving one of the requested items or making a monetary offer to sponsor one of the One Minute Challenge participants.
“Requested Items”
- Please check back soon for updates
If you are not attending the event, please send all donations to Tiger Schulmann’s in Smithtown
- Tiger Schulmann’s
- Attn: Sarah’s 1 Minute Challenge
- 10 Miller Pl.,
Smithtown, NY 11787
Please make checks payable to:
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Suggested ways to pledge an amount:
- Give a fixed amount (Any level of giving is both generous and greatly appreciated)
- Pledge your support by determining an amount per strike (a kick or a punch)
You pledge can be for your own child, everyone in your school, or all participants, or any other formula you like :)!
2. Give Online anytime (and early and often). This link goes directly to Memorial Sloan Kettering.
Beyond our event:
We are proud to continue our support for the children impacted by cancer and ask you to also consider support for Friends and Angels: The Tracy Vicere Foundation